Explore unique features of the Enterprise Edition and Kestra Cloud.

Enterprise Edition (EE)

Enterprise Edition (EE)

Learn about the Enterprise Edition and how it can help you run Kestra securely and reliably at scale.



How to setup Kestra Enterprise Edition.



How to enable multi-tenancy in your Kestra instance.



How to configure the authentication for your Kestra instance.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO)

How to enable and setup SSO in your Kestra Enterprise instance.

Audit Logs

Audit Logs

How to use Audit Logs to govern activities in your Kestra instance.

Namespace Management

Namespace Management

How to govern secrets, variables and task defaults on a namespace level.

Centralized Task Configuration

Centralized Task Configuration

How to centrally govern your task configuration in a modular way.

Allowed namespaces

Allowed namespaces

How to manage cross-namespace permissions in the Enterprise Edition.

API Tokens

API Tokens

How to manage API tokens in Kestra.

Kestra EE API

Kestra EE API

How to interact with Kestra Enterprise Edition using the API.

Kestra EE CLI

Kestra EE CLI

How to interact with Kestra Enterprise Edition using the CLI.

Custom Blueprints

Custom Blueprints

How to create and manage Custom Blueprints.

Enterprise Edition FAQ

Enterprise Edition FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Enterprise Edition of Kestra.

Kestra Identity

Kestra Identity

Common questions about the identity.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

How to manage access and permissions to your instance.

SCIM Directory Sync

SCIM Directory Sync

Sync users and groups from your Identity Provider to Kestra using SCIM.

Secrets Manager

Secrets Manager

How to configure the secrets manager.

Service Accounts

Service Accounts

How to create and manage Service Accounts.

Worker Group

Worker Group

How to configure Worker Groups in Kestra Enterprise Edition.

Worker Isolation

Worker Isolation

How to configure worker isolation in Kestra.

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